Ford of Europe together with 27 companies have joined an appeal to the European Union (EU) to ensure all new cars and vans in Europe are zero emission…
Ford of Europe together with 27 companies have joined an appeal to the European Union (EU) to ensure all new cars and vans in Europe are zero emission…
Ford F-Series, America’s best-selling truck for 45 years, charges into the future with the 2022 F-150 Lightning pickup, elevated by all the advantages…
Vandaag zette Ford opnieuw een belangrijke stap in zijn elektrificeringstransformatie. Ford Pro onthulde namelijk de eerste details van de volledig nieuwe,…
Ford today announced significant strides toward an all-electric future in Europe, which will see the company transformed and offering a new generation…
Drivers of Europe’s best-selling plug-in hybrid vehicle (PHEV) potentially each saved in one year the equivalent CO2 emissions of a return trip from London…
E-Transit, de eerste 100% elektrische Transit van Ford die in het eerste kwartaal van 2022 in Europa wordt gelanceerd, heeft een geschatte WLTP-actieradius…
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